Facebook live on Mindfulness & Self-awareness

I’ll go live tomorrow morning EST time to talk about the main discussion points from yesterday’s panel. We talked about what is mindfulness; why is it important for individuals, communities, and corporations; and how can we develop mindfulness.

I’ve invested in this one of the most important leadership competencies all leaders regardless of your culture, position, & field- Self Awareness. Mindfulness starts 1st with self-awareness. Self-aware and mindful leaders know who they truly are, their strengths, limitations, and have fewer blind spots. But, they haven’t got at this stage of growth by chance. You too can get there if you’ve not yet.

I disclaimed at the start of the panel that Mindfulness isn’t just what we think. It also takes to be mindful of what we say, how we behave, and mindful of what we do and how that impacts our mission & core values plus others including the future generations.

If your desire is to take your self-awareness and mindfulness to the next level, join me in this 30 minutes Facebook Live tomorrow. You can ask questions before and or during the session by going to the comment area.

First thing first, go ahead & Like PRO Leadership’s Facebook page to get updates of the live session: https://www.facebook.com/PROLeadershipGlobal/ #Mindful #SelfAware

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