Webinar RECORDING on Our Mindset- Our Friend to Overcome the World of Crisis

On May 9th, 2020, PRO Leadership arranged a webinar entitled “Our Mindset- Our Friend to Overcome the World of Crisis.”

It was arranged for PRO Leadership teams both in the diaspora and Africa. We got permission from attendees to record the webinar and share it with those who missed the webinar with leaders like yourself. Watch it and let us know your feedback.

This webinar was the second of a series of webinars. It was designed to emphasize the importance of mindset for leaders as they lead their people during this tough time. It aimed at equipping leaders to understand their mindset, be friends with it, and learn ways in which their mindset determines their access to the world they live in and determine their opportunity to cope with stressful situations like the current devastating COVID19 pandemic.


To learn more about PRO Leadership, attend future events including the upcoming webinars during this pandemic era, and also join the movement in raising New Breed Leaders of Africa, check our website at www.proleadership.org

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